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Berserkers have had a revision on all of their offensive spells. They now scale higher with skills and a bit less with weapon damage, making it more favorable to get higher skills. The spell Shockwave have recieve an area change and is now 3x3 instead of a wave.

Berserkers have had a revision on all of their offensive spells. They now scale higher with skills and a bit less with weapon damage, making it more favorable to get higher skills. The spell Shockwave have recieve an area change and is now 3x3 instead of a wave.


Today we have added a blocking-feature for specifically enchanted items, they are no longer sell-able to NPCs to avoid having them sold by mistake.

Today we have added a blocking-feature for specifically enchanted items, they are no longer sell-able to NPCs to avoid having them sold by mistake.


Today we have fixed a bug where certain weapons caused players not to gain skills, most notably soulcrusher, cobra axe and bow of cataclysm. They were not properly assigned to the right vocation or weapontype so when a player was doing damage the server didnt know what to do and just stopped giving player skills until relogging. Soulcrusher now is properly a two-handed weapon and only usable for berserkers, cobra axe is one-handed for assassins and templars and the bow is well.. Only usable to rangers as intended.

Today we have fixed a bug where certain weapons caused players not to gain skills, most notably soulcrusher, cobra axe and bow of cataclysm. They were not properly assigned to the right vocation or weapontype so when a player was doing damage the server didnt know what to do and just stopped giving player skills until relogging. Soulcrusher now is properly a two-handed weapon and only usable for berserkers, cobra axe is one-handed for assassins and templars and the bow is well.. Only usable to rangers as intended.


We have increased the base armor and defense of all classes. Further more, Alchemy now have a chance to craft up to 3 extra potions and flasks depending on skill.

We have increased the base armor and defense of all classes. Further more, Alchemy now have a chance to craft up to 3 extra potions and flasks depending on skill.


A bug in parts of the code that could cause the server to crash have been identified and a restart have been done to implement a fix.

A bug in parts of the code that could cause the server to crash have been identified and a restart have been done to implement a fix.

Contentbox headline
  07 November 2024 (16:25) by God Pox - Draken Palace

Deep below the jungles of Nargil lays the Draken Palace. 
A path have opened up under the lizards of Nargil.

Everdale Team

  14 August 2023 (13:10) by God Pox - Magic carpets to Phepane

A new NPC has started to move into the city of Phepane and will be added next serversave!

He will allow you to travel on his magic carpet to various location throughout the Phepane desert in exchange for some creature products, much similar to Kurt and his raft in Algaros.
He is located to the west of Phepane depot.

He also sells magic carpet mounts to players exalted with the city of Phepane.

Team Everdale

  08 July 2023 (22:49) by God Pox - Some information

Due to real-life events the time being spent updating and adding things to Everdale have slowed down quite drastically, but the development team(Team of one, Pox) is still working when able to do some changes here and there and keeping an eye out for critical bugs that needs to be solved.

One major thing that has been worked on behind the scene is a rework of the class Berserker.
If you have played a Berserker before you are quite familiar to its core-mechanics. Deal damage, generate rage to be able to cast spells.
This mechanic have made Berserkers a very unique class, but it has had its drawbacks, not to name them all, but playing in a team has felt very bad compared to any other class in Everdale. This is the main thing we have tried to solve, while still keep the unique-ness of the class as a core.

Few changes that will happen to the class:
  • Rage now increase with level, starts at level 1 with 2 rage and gain +2 per level.
  • Spells have a dynamic rage cost, all from 0% to x% of your maximum rage
  • Rage generation is now based on damage recieved
  • Spells have been altered to fit both a solo and team playstyle
  • Some spells have been totally reworked and some new spells added
When reading the list above the thought might have occurred to you, if spells can cost 0% rage, what point does rage have with the new vision of a Berserker?
It is now mainly a defensive mechanism for a Berserker.
Damage you take will first fill your rage before dealing damage to your health, which will be the new core-mechanic of the Berserker, as long as you can keep as low rage as possible, you will basically be immune to incoming damage.

A new bar to display potions and custom buffs will be also added, to keep track if you have your ex. crit potion or fire protection potion active or not.

Another change that will happen is in regards to some upset comments to the loot chance to rarity chance change in dungeons. The rarity chance has not been touch, but the loot will be increased, not to the same amount as before, it will as a start be 33% of how it used to be before. (This will be going live next serversave)

Team Everdale
God Pox

  10 February 2023 (12:49) by God Pox - Update information

On monday, 13th of Feburary there will be a minor update to the server and with that said, the serversave of that day will be extended for about 1 hour to prepare.

Some client changes are happening and few changes to some of the mechanics of the game.

Changes to the task system:
Task will no longer have a selected amount.
You will be able to turn in any task at 50 monsters kills at any time, up to a maximum of 1000.

Changes to the AFK Training system:
You will no longer be able to just AFK freely. It will cost soul to train, 1 soul per minute of training.
Soul generation is same as always, you just need to hunt and gain experience that is equal or higher than your level*2

Few UI changes:
Task window no longer has slider to select amount for obvious reasons
Items in backpack will have an indication what type of rarity it is
Skill window have recieved a new tab that contains all of a players current protections.

Lots of minor bug fixes and optimizations is also applied in this update

Team Everdale
God Pox

  12 December 2022 (09:07) by God Pox - Update time!

Today is the day, finally the biggest change to Everdale is coming!

Monster damage changes
Can read more about it HERE

All level 100 soul spells have been reworked to be normal spells.
Templar soul spell => Total rework to a new spell. Fist of the heavens, cast on target and explode out to all monsters in range of targeted monster.
Priest soul spell => Stayed the same, just cost mana now
Summoner soul spell => Boost damage and attackspeed of all current summons
Assassin => Total rework, will cause a combination of backstab and bleed on all targets(max 8) on screen
Ranger => Total rework, now places a stationary turret that will autoattack all monsters, but prioritize the target of the ranger.
Wizard => Rework, its now a bigger explosion than Element Explosion with longer cooldown
Berserker => Stayed the same, just cost rage now and have lower damage

Crafting have recieved a small update
Crafting window have recieved a refresh of its GUI
Weaponcrafting no longer craft wands and can now craft tools for gathering. Better tools increase ores, herbs, skins from all gathering professions.
Armorcrafting can now craft some boots!
Enchanting can now craft wands and spellbooks
Mining have recieved a lower base reward and chance to gain higher chance of success and reward if using higher level tools
Herbalism have recieved a lower base reward and chance to gain higher chance of success and reward if using higher level tools
Skinning have recieved a lower base reward and chance to gain higher chance of success and reward if using higher level tools

Some smaller QoLs have been put into the game aswell
Loot channel, notification on loot is no longer displayed in server-log but its own dedicated channel.
Walk-through player summons, always

Coming up next will be Ice Islands update.
New areas to explore, quests to complete, bosses to kill.

Everdale Team
God Pox