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Aholas Quest
Name NPC Location Reward
Getting Started Class Instructor Aholas Experience(Varies), Starter equipment
Bread Maker George Aholas 50 Experience, 15gp
Corpse Collection Chris Aholas 250 Experience, Small health potion
Wilderness Dangers Sophie Aholas 675 Experience, 3 Small health potions
Beginner Tools Ralph Aholas 400 Experience, Mining pickaxe, Shears, Small health potion

Algoras Quests
Name NPC Location Level Reward
Kurt's Raft - Algaros 1 ??
Amazonia - Amazonia 10 ??
Deeper Minotaur Ruins - Minotaur Ruins 30 ??
Orc Fortress - Orc Fortress 40 ??
Deeper Cyclopian Mountain - Cyclops Mountain 40 ??
Deeper Dragon Crypt - Dragon Mountain 55 ??
Hero Quest - Outlaw Camp 65 ??
Demon Hell Quest - Deep below Algaros 80 ??

Nargila Quests
Name NPC Location Level Reward
Deeper Mines - Nargila Mines 30 ??
Ancient Dragon - Hydra Mountain 60 ??

Phepane Quests
Name NPC Location Level Reward
Minotaur Tower - Minotaur Tower 10 ??
Stolen Treasure - Bandit Hideout 10 ??
Deeper Larva Cave - Larva Cave 10 ??
Curse of the Pharaoh - Desert Tomb 20 ??
Treasure Island - Pirate Hideout 50 ??
Dragon Quest - Underground Dragon Mountain 50 ??
Nightmare - Mutated Tomb 65 ??
The Death Priest - Reaper Ruins 85 ??
Rotting Heart - Demonic Gate 100 ??