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Server Rules
These punishments are guidelines, if you were to break a rule, your punishment may be more harsh depending on the situation.
Rule enforcements of Everdale are not limited by the rules mentioned in here!
We will enforce our rules the way we see fit.
*Warning (3 warnings within 30 days leads to banishment)
**Banishment (Banishment length increase for every ban)
***Deletion (Account permanently removed)
1a * Offensive Name Names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable.
1b * Name Containing Forbidden Advertising Names that advertise brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money.
1c * Unsuitable Name Names that express religious or political views or that is "spamming".
1d ** Name Supporting Rule Violation Names that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the Everdale Rules.
2a * Offensive Statement Insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable statements.
2b * Spamming Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text.
2c ** Forbidden Advertising Advertising brands, products or services of third parties or content which is not related to the game.
2d * Off-Topic Public Statement Religious or political public statements or other public statements which are not related to the topic of the used channel or board.
2e * Violating Language Restriction Non-English statements in boards and channels where the use of English is explicitly required.
2f ** Disclosing Personal Data of Others Disclosing personal data of other people.
2g ** Supporting Rule Violation Statements that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the Everdale Rules.
3a ** Bug Abuse Exploiting obvious errors of the game or any other part of Everdale services.
3b *** Using Unofficial Software to Play Manipulating the official client program or using additional software to play the game.
3c * Multi Clienting Login more than 2 characters per player
4a ** Pretending to be Staff Pretending to be a representative of Staff or to have their legitimation or powers.
4b * Slandering or Agitating against Everdale Publishing clearly wrong information about Everdale, the staff or services
4c ** False Information to Everdale Intentionally giving wrong or misleading information to Staff in reports about rule violations, complaints, bug reports or support requests.
Legal Issues
5a ** Hacking Stealing other player's account or personal data.
5b ** Attacking Everdale Service Attacking, disrupting or damaging the operation of any Everdale server, the game or any other part of Everdale services.
5c ** Violating Law or Regulations Violating any applicable law, the Everdale Service Agreement or rights of third parties.
6a * Invalid Support Tickets Using support tickets to chit-chat with staff, asking questions that could have been asked in any game channel,
or in other way use support tickets for invalid reasons.
6b ** Abusing warnings Using warnings as a way to disobey rules.
6c ** Destructive behavior Harass or ruin the game experience for other players.
6d ** Disobey staff Not listening or care about staff commands.